Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wordless Wednesday!!


Looney Mom™ said...

Oh this is the Scooter that had to leave his own comments on my WW post today, huh? Hee hee. He looks like quite the mischevious one. Funny.

Shelley said...

Listen to nothing he tells you!! He is a stinkweed, lol!!

Olive said...

He is definitely plotting something. Mice beware!

Connie said...

yes that is one michievious looking cat! I need to make sure he stays away from my cats, as I am sure they are already plotting some poor soul's demise. They don't need another cohort :)

Hot(M)BC said...

What a cute face! Is that PAPER you've got there Scooter? I LIKE paper! It's so nice and crinkly. Hmms Wordless Wednesday. I fink we'll have to start doing that. I hope we remembers.

BlondeBrony said...

Cat's opening a birthday present. A little jealous?

Happy WW!

MaR said...

presents! and a cute cat! great ww :)

Anonymous said...

Scooter says,"Ok. The present's open. NOW, WHERE'S THE CAKE (or the TUNA)?" lol What a great photo! I had a cat that looked just like Scooter when I was growing up. His name was Oscar, and he was one mischievous cat! Thanks for the memories! Have a great day!

Kdubs said...

Oh this is great!